Study with Us

Marbella Design Academy was founded in 1995 and with 28 years of experience we pride ourselves in being the exclusive international design school we are today.

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Marbella design academy study with us academic aims students learning chatting - Marbella Design Academy

Academic Aims

At Marbella Design Academy, we aim to give students a  comprehensive education to consolidate their professional resourcefulness and prepare them for the design industry of their choice.

We help our students develop their creativity and design skills while encouraging their unique personal style.

We also prepare our students for the increasing demands of the  market with respect to technology, quality of presentation, style,  aesthetics and psychology relating to the design environment.

To achieve this, the Academy strives to:

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Provide students with Bachelor of Arts with Honours validated programmes designed to offer comprehensive and balanced knowledge, incorporated within an intellectually demanding study scheme, allowing them to evolve towards assuming a professional position and continuous progression within their chosen industry.

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Provide students with well-honed practical capacities and an in-depth understanding of the realities of the ever-changing technology within their field, ensuring permanent growth of their resourcefulness and creativity.

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Provide students with extensive training on the commercial aspects of their chosen profession and allow them to exploit the acquired capabilities and knowledge.

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Provide students with the opportunity to develop transferable skills in communication, self-management,  time management and problem-solving, as well as a deep understanding of the complexity of human relations in both social and personal contexts, which can be applied in various professional domains.

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Provide students with strong analytical skills, critical awareness and intellectual independence, fostering original ideas and creative thinking.

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Provide students with the confidence to challenge conventions and innovate in their field, with the means to defend their ideas and decisions with informed conviction.

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Our goal is to inspire all of our students to work diligently and passionately towards achieving their full potential, resulting in the attainment of their Bachelor of Arts degrees with Honours, and the highest possible grades.

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After graduation from Marbella Design Academy, you are  awarded your official BA (Hons) degree, validated and  awarded by the University of Bedfordshire (UK).

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When awarded your official BA (Hons) degree, you can apply for a Master’s Degree at the University of Bedfordshire or any other University of your choice.

Teaching & Learning Strategies

To ensure that students acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for their professional field, a variety of teaching and learning strategies will be utilised.

These will include:


Introducing ideas and exploring contextual or critical issues. Briefing classroom assignments as well as independent projects.

Staff-led seminars

Developing and discussing contextual issues relevant to the curricula.


The necessary specific skills required, related issues, technical challenges or problems are analysed.

The specialised techniques requested for the related tasks are practiced.

Seminars and Master Classes

Students will be exposed to a wide range of issues in relation to contemporary practice in the field.

Educational Trips and Visits

Develop an awareness of contemporary practice and a range of references for approaching problems in a professional environment.


Used both individually and in small groups, providing close attention to the development of each individual’s work and monitoring their progress.

All teaching delivered at module level is designed to support the development of individual and independent learning and is organized as:

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Taught time, such as lectures, seminars, tutorials, etc., where students are offered direct support for their education by staff.

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Where students are carrying out assignments overseen by teaching staff.

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Study or assignment period completely independent of tutors.

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