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Visit the Academy

Do you want to visit the Academy? Please fill out the form, and a team member will contact you to confirm the date and time. Thank you!

  • Camino Hoyanca S/N. 29110 Monda (Málaga) – SPAIN
  • +34 952 45 70 90 (main phone line)
  • Direct line to the Admissions: Eva Ortega +34 659 294 695
  • Direct line to the Office Manager and Student Support: Rachel Parker +34 638 404 759
  • Direct line to the Course Director: Frank Ortega +34 616 883 386
  • Direct line to the Principal: Gualberto Cerrón +34 669 693 259
  • Monday to Friday – 09:00 to 16:30
The chosen date and time need to be confirmed by our team.

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